
Ohm’s Law


I had to pay a huge price for having this concept from one of my student Hammad Saleem. I did ask him to write the blog on the concept in his own name but he gave me permission to write on it.

Yet my ethical and moral values compel me to give due credit to the person who conceptualized it in the first place and I am obligated to do so.

The definition of Ohm’s Law is “Ohm’s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. … More specifically, Ohm’s law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent of the current”. [Wikipedia]

I like to make use of the law as an analogy for students’ motivation and applying ethics in their lives to see the beauty of the concept.

The current is the knowledge one has, the conductor is oneself, while the voltage is the potential to make use of the knowledge to move forward. It is the current which flows through the conductor and not the conductor that moves, so it is the knowledge which will move the individual, else we humans are by nature very lazy and not willing to leave our comfort zones.

It depends on oneself how dedicated one is to acquire knowledge since the potential to acquire that knowledge is very much ingrained by nature in him. Our lives are not as simple as I just wrote. We cannot easily move forward unless we are faced with difficulties and these difficulties basically are resistances we are confronted with and we have to overcome them if we really want to move forward.

Similarly, you want to be good (since you have the knowledge that to be good is what life is all about) and that you have the potential to be good yet the surroundings you are living in does not allow you to be good, these surroundings are nothing but resistance.

In the picture above, the redline is ‘You’, the current on Y-axis is the ‘Knowledge’ you have, which you want to make use of, to rise from your level and the voltage on X-axis is the ‘Potential’ or drive you have, to move forward. If you are given an opportunity to excel, you are bound to rise from your level to unprecedented limits and it will be the knowledge which will help you discover the unseen horizons, up there.

Sajjad Hussain

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